Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Five Pink Lies...

"I don't mind if you go to the movies with your female friend."

My word every man would die to have that kind of a lady. What a pink lie this is and even a 5 year old can  tell that  this  is simply too good to be true. Word to the wise: It's only a question of how much they mind.

Women use this one  to make themselves seem less pathetically needy but the truth is that she is worried sick about what might happen when those lights go off as the movie begins. She is actually imaging what you usually do together at the movies could well happen again with your "Friend". Then the question you probably have now is why does she have to lie, well she is saving her face or my personal favorite , she is testing you.

For the same reasons, they are also lying when they say they don't mind you checking out other women in front of them.
You're probably better off just not going. Ask yourself: Are two hours of bare booty worth weeks, even months, of bitchy comments?

"I will take care of the bill today don't worry, you always pay anyway."

Hhahahahah, so you actually believe her?Well the truth is it doesn't apply to all women, but every 9 in 10 women still expect the men to pay for things. She avoiding you taking her for some cheap ride when you always pay the bills. 

"Men should always at least offer to pay for dinner if they have asked the woman out. If she protests vigorously , then go Dutch; if she just protests casually, she's only doing it out of politeness -- so pay for it."

"That was flippen great, damn you are a tiger!"

Heheheheh what tiger, my word you just been likened to a cat . This lie falls under the broad category of sex lies. When women are committed to a man, they focus on him, often believing, time and time again, that he is "the one." Because girls have this tendency, they also tell guys whatever they think they want to hear, just to make them feel good about themselves.
When it comes to sex, that most sensitive of topics, it's safe to say that you should take most things she tells you with a grain of salt.When she tells you those that lie, it is advisable to simply laugh and change the subject, as if to say:

"I'm just not ready for a boyfriend right now."

What a tired statement , do women really expect a man to believe that? Well unless if it is her more respectable and soft way  to say , "Go to hell idiot, you are not my type. Suck you toes and take the free way". Funny enough because it is often accompanied by another excuse which reads, "I just came out of a bad relationship, and I don't want to be hurt again," or "I'm just too busy with my career right now to have a boyfriend." Do you believe all that? 

Read the above statements again ,she is simply telling you that she is single and so into you way more than Tamia wrote "I am so into you" .She has to play hard to get, no one wants to look that cheap even if they are.If  she seems uncomfortable, avoids eye contact, talks too much or comes up with numerous excuses then she is lying , she wants you to try harder stupid!! Simply let it go and don't bother letting her know that you see through it. Take the easy way out by pretending you believe her for your own personal dignity, and just walk away she will head hunt you. Thats so cool, isn't it guys?

"I'm not mad at you."

Oh, yes only a blindfolded man should believe that cliche. Ofcourse you cant be off the hook that easy don't be that stupid to even come close to believing that.  This lie is one that every lady has told more than once and you probably believed. Typically, women who have been hurt by men in their lives  often use this phrase as an emotional defense. 

Instead of admitting that she's actually hurt and you really the most disgusting thing to her at that moment by his relatively minor offense, the woman will halfheartedly pretend that she doesn't care at all. In reality, she does care, very much so, but doesn't want to look as if she is Ms Difficult which ofcourse she is

Well don't waste time being all sorry immediately because she wishes she had a gun to shoot you and kill you for a little while. So save yourself some time and headaches, simply call her  after she has calmed down and discuss the issue.

Five Girlfriends You Should Date At Once

Little Trophy

It is every man's dream to have a pretty lady, I don't know your definition of physical beauty but yeah you surely catch the drift. It is that women you wanna go out with in public places and want the rest of the world to see you with.  Her beauty gets your friends licking their lower lips and you just drowning in some great ATTENTION!! She doesn't call you by name and neither do you , both of you have those fancy little names which you call eachother with. She screams at every little thing and a spider will get her sweating. She has the body which sees you hands meander up and down not some straight bottle typo thang. She has a huge ego, when you tell her she is beautiful she just looks at you and says nothing and deep inside says, "I know that, its now a cliche to me". She walks with confidence and always up to date with fashion trends. Whenever you guys have a fight the next thing she doesn't want you to pay for anything or carry her bags as she usually do.

Big Mouth

When you can't find some sleep you surely need something that makes meaningless noisy non stop. Say Eskom has done it again as always and now you do not have a radio or tv to make you fall asleep quickly, thats where this one comes in. She will go on and on not even aware that you are dead asleep. She doesn't care much about what you got to say, she would be excited still even iof you spend the whole year having said only those  three ancient words to her. To her its not all about proof, the word of mouth is enough. She loves a great listener, like really which man is a great listener especially to their ladies?? Non

Bamboo Face

Every man has one or has had this one at some stage of their lives. She would make a perfect candidate for scary movie without any changes to her natural looks. She takes every little word that you say and she looks up to you for everything. This is that lady whom you do not want your friends to see you with, when you at the mall with her its usually very far away. As if that is not enough when you walking together you always keep a metre distance between yourself and her, well thats if she has realised that you like walking behind her instead of besides her. She loves compliments especially those which even the blind know are ironic. Definately one to go to a party with, every guy will respect your property even without the sign "Perpetrators Will Suffer The Consequences ". I forgot to mention late night parties not day parties ofcourse, you probably met her after a couple of tequilas.


She is always quite and does everything the way you want it. You always ask here for her opinion on things she never offers. She believes every little thing you tell her and when you on date she is always looking at the place with much envy , well her eyes will always glow. When you have a problem she just listens to you and never gives you any advice, which man uses a lady's advice anyway?? This lady just loves being with you and does everything the way you want them and she would even read a manual about you if you could give it to her. When you change the channel from soapies to sports or car torque she makes herself a drink lies on your chest and read a Cosmopolitan Magazine


This one is Ms Loaded, she pays her bills and even yours without questions. She never asks for her change back and loves junk food. She does not hesitate to take you out and always know how to spoil your plans with boys. When you are with her people think its you mum if not aunty well thats if she has some biggest loser potential type of body and if she is slender they think its probably your well paid cousin who is excited about being in Africa for the first time.

NB: All these five women combined make one dream lady for ever Guy!! I stand to be corrected though....thats why man practise affirmative dating because its difficult to find that kind of woman in one lady